frugal queen

20 Quick & Easy ways to not get poorer in 2024

Stockpile but get it right for YOU! #frugalityislife #stockpicks #prepper #costoflivingcrisis

We answer your personal questions. Part 3. #frugalityislife #retirement #frugal #budgeting #france

I never pay full price at the supermarket!! #food #shoppinghaul #bargains #antigaspi #france

The Number One Reason Why (Some) People Don't Save! #costoflivingcrisis #frugalliving

Retired and Broke #costoflivingcrisis #retirement #retirementplanning

Heating our frugal home as cheaply as possible. #frugalityislife #wood #winter #

The ultimate guide to building a strong frugal mindset #ultimate #frugalliving #costoflivingcrisis

How to write a grocery budget and stick to it. #frugal #shopping #costoflivingcrisis #budget #tips

(Is) Everything is terrible and getting worse? #costoflivingcrisis #frugal #learning #prepper

Keeping to our supermarket Budget. Fresh French Produce. #frugalityislife #shoppinghaul #grandfrais

We're fed up with being frugal! #frugalfatigue #costoflivingcrisis #frugal #frugallife

Five Rules I Follow to Help Me Stick To My Budget #budget #frugalliving #costoflivingcrisis

Five Things Frugal Living has Taught Us. #MWMC #frugalliving #lessons #costoflivingcrisis

Seven Frugal Rules to Live By #frugal #rules #prepper #costoflivingcrisis #sevendaysaweek

Wet & Cold No Spend July Continues. #sewing #france #retirement #makedoandmend #gardening #upcycle

Stop Wasting Food & Save Money

Low Budget, Frugal Living Retirees in France - Aferiy P210 #frugal #nospendmonth

Why We're So Frugal - #frugalliving

Grow Food to Save Money! #thriftyliving #savemoney #homestead #growfood #goat #donkey

How we budget on less than minimum wage & save! - Our April Budget #budget #frugalliving

A Week in Our Frugal Life #frugalliving #savemoney #lowcostliving #frugality #dailydiary #france

How to stop impulse spending! #frugalliving #spending #budget #costoflivingcrisis